Friday 13 March 2009

Send in the Clowns...

Today is Comic Relief, and was supposed to be the day we were limerick-ing twimericking for charity somewhere public in Liverpool. I'm tempted to label this post 'procrastination', but in reality, life events took a turn last weekend, resulting in the word 'funny' being buried in the depths of my emotional toolbox, with any potential retrieval seeming distant and unlikely. I'm sure it's not gone for good, but I'm equally sure that the forced effort of writing humour all day would probably have resulted in synaptic meltdown.
Not to say I won't watch it tonight; I will, I really will.
BBC1 from 7pm if you want to join me.

Anyway, enough of the 'woe is me'... I am lucky that my sadness isn't terminal, and that I have sufficient faculties to resolve the situation in due course, one way or another... I just felt that having created 'twimerick-the expectation', some sort of explanation was required.

Also, there's a new writing competition- This Morning and She magazine have teamed up... short story, 1500- 2000 words, deadline 23rd of this month, nice warm up for Screnzy.
Get writing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah, I'm so sorry about whatever's happened, clearly it's knocked you quite a bit. Wishing you really well, lovely woman.

I'm hoping to catch most of Comic Relief tonight as well, will see you on Twitter, most probably! Thanks again for the link to the short story comp :)

- Anna xx