Monday 8 June 2009

Our Turn...

In 2004 the USA re-elected George Bush, in dubious circumstances and with questionable majorities. Lots of people in America were very concerned and upset about this state of affairs, and the impact it would have on the view that the rest of the world had on their country. So, some of them created a website- on which they posted pictures and messages of themselves apologising for the turn of events.

Last night, this country heard it had elected right wing facists to represent us in Europe. I'm saying no more on that as my words would be deeply unpleasant. But, suffice to say... I think it's our turn. I'm ashamed of my country doing this. America, for the first time, has a black president; we manage, probably through sheer apathy, to elect both the leader of the national front and the (convicted criminal) chairman of the BNP as MEPs.

I mailed them this last night.

The link is here if you want to follow suit.

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