Monday 20 April 2009


Two reports for you today. Spot the connection.

A couple of weekends ago, my brother's wife's sister (stay with me) got married.
Her father is the vicar of in Holy Trinity in Idle, Diocese of Bradford, and so he performed the ceremony, and the reception was held at a nearby venue.

As my sister in law and her father have been involved in firework displays on and off for years, at the previous two siblings weddings the evening had been rounded off by a spectacular light show of some sort. True to tradition, they decided, as a surprise gift for the bride and groom, to launch some paper lanterns, lit inside, creating a beautiful display.

The day was a success, and the lanterns rounded things off beautifully.

The second is a report which appeared a few days ago in the Telegraph and Argus, a local Bradford newspaper. The report is by Marcus Meneaud, and the full text can be found here.

The headling states "UFO sightings are no joke for Denise", and the article goes on to describe
"...reports of up to five red or orange orbs hovering silently in the night sky before quickly disappearing."
The 'Denise' in the headline is Denise Wilson, who 'saw them circling above her home in Moorside, Daisy Hill, Bradford, when she took her dog for a night-time stroll.'

“There were four round red or orange glowing lights flying in formation,cruising towards me. ... They weren’t flying very high, not as high as planes and then they disappeared above the trees.
... I don’t care what people think of me, I know what I saw and it wasn’t normal and it wasn’t man-made. It was very, very strange, like some-thing out of Close Encounters of the Third Kind!”
A further couple of residents had spotted the same UFO's, although one described similar lanterns he had seen in China.

the truth is out there.....

Do you think they should confess?! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is uniquely and wonderfully hilarious and i can't stop giggling! lol

some things money can't buy - for every other occasion you can bet there will be nothing better than these idiots who will believe anything! :D NEVER SPEAK OF IT, except on your deathbed

and even then only whisper it to a relation you don't like.